
Will your career pay for your student loan?

‘Top Chef’ Dreams Crushed by Student Loan Debt


But would-be top chefs face a challenge that most lawyers, engineers or nurses do not: few jobs in their chosen field pay enough for them to retire their student loans. As a result, as many as 11 percent of graduates at some culinary schools are defaulting on federal student loans. The national average for all students last year was roughly half that, at 5.1 percent.

Although the restaurant industry is expected to create two million new jobs in the next decade, the Department of Labor reports that in 2005, the latest year for which data were available, the average hourly wage for a restaurant cook was $9.86.

Comment: The article is really about "Chefs' Schools". Of interest to me because: we have visited such a school with one of our children, one of Kathee's co-workers went to Chef school (and now works in Information Technology), and a friend of one of our kids is a Chef. But the article highlights one of the dangers of student loans: will one's career enable the retirement of the student loan debt? So I file this under Economics.

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