
Major snow storm

Traffic Seizes Up As Snow Blasts Twin Cities


parts of the Twin Cities to see anywhere from 4 to 8 inches of snow


Kathee and I are downtown so we will have to brave the commute home. I canceled the Metro Women's Center board meeting for tonight. Will need to plow tonight: I'm thinking ... do I have enough gas in my John Deere tractor???


  1. The traffic map on WCCO is about as red as that bloodbath screenshot the other day!

    I remember driving home from work in Edina a while back and it taking me around 2.5 hours to get to MG. Hopefully you'll have a faster trip than that!

  2. We're hoping to leave at 3:45. My entire work area (about 25 offices) has cleared out. (I am literally the only one left in this area).

  3. My manager came by and said if we did not have anything that required us to be in the office to go if we wanted to. So I left at like 2 and worked the rest from home. I think it took me like 5 extra minutes.


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