
The Protevangelium

Immediately after the apostasy of our first parents it was announced
that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head. The
meaning of this promise and prediction is to be determined by
subsequent revelations. When interpreted in the light of the
Scriptures themselves, it is manifest that the seed of the woman means
the Redeemer, and that bruising the serpents head means his final
triumph over the powers of darkness. In this protevangelium, as it has
ever been called, we have the dawning revelation of the humanity and
divinity of the great deliverer. As seed of the woman his humanity is
distinctly asserted, and the nature of the triumph which he was to
effect, in the subjugation of Satan, proves that he was to be a divine
person. In the great conflict between good and evil, between the
kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness, between Christ and
Belial, between God and Satan, he that triumphs over Satan, is, and
can be nothing less than divine. In the earliest books of Scripture,
even in Genesis, we have therefore clear intimations of two great
truths; first, that there is a plurality of persons in the Godhead;
and secondly, that one of those persons is specially concerned in the
salvation of men, -- in their guidance, government, instruction, and
ultimate deliverance from all the evils of their apostasy. The
language employed in the record of the creation of man, "Let us make
man, in our image, after our likeness," admits of no satisfactory
explanation other than that furnished by the doctrine of the Trinity
(Hodge v 1 p 483)

  1. I worked more on my latest database project and made progress. I stayed until 6 p.m. to wrap up today's objectives
  2. Our Adobe Reader 8 replacement of Reader 7 package passed UAT.
  3. Kathee worked until 7 and is taking the bus home. Still not home and now near 8
  4. I heated up leftovers
  5. I called my Mother and chatted.
  6. Now watching a little TV waiting for Kathee

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