Droid Incredible vs Nexus One
Video: Droid Incredible does multi-touch better than the Nexus One
Comment: Evan at work was showing me it on Friday
This is the Blog of a guy who retired from a major financial institution in technology. I chose the title "Cold Fusion Guy" because I love programming in Cold Fusion
Video: Droid Incredible does multi-touch better than the Nexus One
Comment: Evan at work was showing me it on Friday
Posted by
Jim Peet
5/08/2010 10:57:00 PM
Labels: Droid Incredible
Nice. I wish my contract was up with VZW so I could get the Incredible. 11 more months.
ReplyDeleteThis seems like as good a time as any to ask some advice. I'm moving back to the US in a few weeks, and after using the same phone for the last 5 years (and the cheapest one I could find, at that), am wondering how much I'm going to want to go with a Smartphone vs. a cheap freebie when I sign up for service with Verizon. Is the extra $30/month for a data plan really worth it? Am I, as an IT professional, going to be sorry if I get a cheaper phone vs. a blackberry or something similar? Or would spending that $30/month on something else be a better steward?
ReplyDeleteI think the issue is whether one just needs a phone or whether one wants/needs Internet connectivity.
ReplyDeleteWhen we travel (about 2 weeks a year), the Internet connectivity would be very very handy!
Personally, whether you go with a smart phone or not, I have found it better to purchase a nicer phone. I wish I have kept a ledger on this, but usually whenever I hear someone complain about their cell coverage, they have a cheapo. I have rarely had anyone complain about cell coverage with a nice phone.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the 30$/month fee, that is starting to become more and more standard, or at least they are pushing in that direction. With VZW, at least, when you purchase a feature phone (in between cheapo and smart) you have to purchase the low end data plan. I think it is 10 or 15/month.
Yeah, Verizon's low-end data plan is $10/month, unlimited is $30. I won't probably get a completely free cheap phone, but also don't want to pass up getting a smartphone at low cost if I'm going to want it in a few months. 2 years is a long time to wait to upgrade...
ReplyDeleteI know VZW is really pushing the droids. I think they are currently offering a buy one get one free on at least one of their droid models, maybe all.