
McGovern's call = Risible

Opinion Journal on McGovern's call for for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney


As blogger Jonathan Adler points out, McGovern actually did call for Nixon's impeachment--and, moreover, talked of impeaching Bush and Cheney as early as March. Pretty much every sentence of McGovern's piece is risible, and we'll leave it to others to poke other holes in it, but we wanted to highlight McGovern's retrospective enthusiasm for the 1991 liberation of Kuwait:

Consider the difference between the policies of the first President Bush and those of his son. When the Iraqi army marched into Kuwait in August 1990, President George H.W. Bush gathered the support of the entire world, including the United Nations, the European Union and most of the Arab League, to quickly expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. The Saudis and Japanese paid most of the cost. Instead of getting bogged down in a costly occupation, the administration established a policy of containing the Baathist regime with international arms inspectors, no-fly zones and economic sanctions. Iraq was left as a stable country with little or no capacity to threaten others.

But back in the day, McGovern was about as enthusiastic about the Gulf War as he had been about Nixon in 1973. Consider this quote that appeared in the Boston Globe on Jan. 11, 1991:

"It's a sign of male insecurity. People who are confident about their own manhood don't have to prove it with someone else's blood," said former Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota, an outspoken critic of the US buildup. "I'm with the women, I think men are a little goofy here."

Well, victory has a thousand fathers--or in this case, 999 fathers and a mother named George.

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