
Driving back from Des Moines

I had my really exciting (not!) business trip to Des Moines this week. I left Monday at 5:25 a.m. and drove the office there. They wanted me there by 8. I arrived at 10:00 and really didn't miss much of the action.

I'm not that proficient at driving by myself anymore. I like driving with my wife. I'll drive an hour and then she'll drive an hour.

I was really groggy for a portion of the trip yesterday. I tried many things to get alert: listening to really obnoxious rock and roll on Sirius XM Radio for 20 minutes. It did not help. I literally slapped my face multiple times. That helped.

Finally I pulled over at a rest stop (one with parking only ... no facilities). I reclined my seat and opened the windows and power napped for about 20 min. I even got a dream in. I dreamed that Kathee was driving and I was very hot because she had turned off the air conditioner. I woke up angry at her (and also because a fly was buzzing around my face!). (She laughed when I told her I was angry at her in my dream!).

After my nap I was alert for the remaining 2 hours.

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