
The Goracle speaks!

With Al Due Respect, We're Doomed


Question: "Share with us, if you would, sort of the immediate vision that you see in this transformative process as we move to this new economy,"

The Goracle: "Geothermal energy" ... "This has great potential; it is not very far off."

The Goracle on subject of nuclear power: "I have grown skeptical about the degree to which it will expand"

Question: "What does your modeling tell you about how long we're going to be around as a species?"

The Goracle: "I don't claim the expertise to answer a question like that, Senator"

More Goracle (Moracle?): "We must face up to this urgent and unprecedented threat to the existence of our civilization," ... "This is the most serious challenge the world has ever faced." And: It "could completely end human civilization, and it is rushing at us with such speed and force."

The Goracle on oil demand: "This roller coaster is headed for a crash, and we're in the front car."

The Goracle on polar ice: "Like a beating heart, and the permanent ice looks almost like blood spilling out of a body along the eastern coast of Greenland."

Sometimes The Goracle speaks cryptically: "The road to Copenhagen has three steps to it,"

Comment: Decrypt the prophet ... Google "The Road to Copenhagen". Answer

Comment: This is serious folks! If you want to understand the concept of true versus false prophets read the book of Jeremiah. If you want to learn about Man's origins read the book of Genesis. If you want to know Man's ultimate destiny read the book of Revelation. If you want to know about Man's only hope - The Savior, read the Gospels. If you want to know how to be right with God, read the book of Romans.


  1. Good article. What I don't understand is how conservatives and thinking people (Christian or not) make light-hearted banter and jokes about global warming and Gore. Maybe I need to lighten up, but to me this is not a joke. This junk science will do nothing but promote a socialist political agenda and since I'm not a socialist, I don't find it very humorous. People seem to be ignorant or not care that our world can change drastically if these radical policies are put into place. It's like they think Al Gore is not taken seriously.

  2. I agree with you, Cold Fusion Guy. When Al Gore speaks, global warming happens, if you know what I mean. But seriously this is a dangerous cult that has pervaded many churches and Christian organization. Global warming/ climate change enthusiasts needs to be met with strong rebuke and disagreement. We need to continue to study climate and understand its uncontrollable changes in temperature and weather and forecast. We need to be strong but sober with our arguments for global responsibility not globl busines control.


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