
IPad: Reviews for Techies and for Everyone Else

Looking at the iPad From Two Angles


The haters tend to be techies; the fans tend to be regular people. Therefore, no single write-up can serve both readerships adequately. There’s but one solution: Write separate reviews for these two audiences.

Read the first one if you’re a techie. (How do you know? Take this simple test. Do you use BitTorrent? Do you run Linux? Do you have more e-mail addresses than pants? You’re a techie.)

Read the second review if you’re anyone else.

Comment: I want an Android phone but I cannot mentally justify it.

1 comment:

  1. haha. Am I wrong, it sounded as if the writer was making fun of the iPad for both reviews?

    My wife is probably going to get an Android before me! She just got the letter from VZW letting her know she can upgrade.

    Per your comment about justifying price, two things. 1) You are going to have to use it for two years, so you might as well get something you will like. 200$ over 2 years doesn't come out to be all that much money. 2)There is a difference in quality between low end (under 100$) and high end phones. For the most part, every person I know who has had cell phone problems have low end phones. I have always had the high end phone and never have had any problems. The same with my wife, and the people in our family.


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