Investing in Foreign Stocks
Followup to Investing Abroad. Click through to WSJ article. What I've learned (and I am still a learner!). I only have access to United States exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC) and so if I have a foreign stock I have it via an ADR.
- The small chart above has stocks that I either have a position in (clear rows) or would like to have a position (blue rows). The larger chart below (click to enlarge) has greater detail (PE, Yield, Withholding)
- This WIKI article on ADR's is worthwhile. For example, DANOY is the ADR for Groupe Danone which trades as BN in Paris.
- Some foreign stocks have withholding taxes on the dividends. This is a problem if one has the foreign stock in an IRA account as there is no provision in the US tax code to recover that tax. This is NOT a problem if one has a foreign stock in a non-tax-deferred account as the withholding tax is easily recovered when one files taxes. The foreign tax is accounted as if it is tax paid to the IRS. Very simple.
On investing in foreign stocks
— James Peet (@jrpeet) January 3, 2018
Foreign Dividends: Tax Rates, Largest Payers, ADRs and ETFs