
Economy: Nobody's found Goldilocks' body yet

Goldilocks is dead, CSI looking for the body, says Wells economist


With crude oil hitting $145 a barrel and jobless numbers looking recessionary, the so-called Goldilocks economy that was neither too slow to throw people out of work nor too strong to fuel inflation is over, according to a report issued Thursday by a Wells Fargo economist.

"It's starting to feel like a CSI episode out there. Nobody's found Goldilocks' body yet, but investigators are on the case looking for someone to blame," said Scott Anderson, senior economist at the San Francisco bank (NYSE: WFC).

Anderson says he was debating whether to issue his gloomy report before the Fourth of July holiday or after. He decided his analysis might go down better after a few beers at the barbecue.

"If you haven't been out looking for a job lately, you might be surprised by the increasingly sparse pickings of new employment opportunities and the amount of competition there is for the few job openings that are available," Anderson said in his report.

Comment: Pretty bleak!

1 comment:

  1. I see a boat load of high paying jobs on employment sites. Here's a few chosen by About.com as being in the top 10


    Here's the rest of them if anyone is looking:



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