
What is a "Worldview"?

James Sire: Some Personal Reflections


[A worldview] is A set of assumptions (or presuppositions) held (either consciously or unconsciously) about the basic makeup of the world. A worldview answers such questions as these:
  1. What is the nature of ultimate reality? Is it matter, God, or ideas?
  2. How does the universe work? Is it a closed system or open to divine reordering through revelation and miracle?
  3. What is the meaning of history? Is it haphazard, linear, or cyclical?
  4. What is the basis of morality? Is it God, the self, or society?
  5. What is the human condition and is salvation possible?
  6. Is there an afterlife, and, if so, what it is like?
Comment: Top image from the AFA Journal. James Sire's The Universe Next Door.

Two helpful images (from Visual Unit)

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