
"I know 'broke' ...and girl you've never been!"

Hillary Clinton, for Richer or Poorer


Mrs. Clinton seems to have a peculiar and unattractive relationship with money. She wants it and she doesn't want you to know. She also appears to think she's entitled to it, as a public servant who operated at high levels. But public servants now are less like servants than bosses. When an interviewer compared her to Mitt Romney in terms of wealth, she got a stony look. That is a "false equivalency," she said. You could see she feels she should not be compared to a wealthy Republican because she's liberal and therefore stands for the little guy. So she can be rich and should not be criticized, while rich people who have the wrong policies—that would be Republicans—are "the rich" and can be scorned and shamed. This is seen by some as hypocrisy but is more like smugness. It is Mrs. Clinton's habit to fake identification with people who've had real struggles by claiming she's had them too. All humans have struggles, but hers were not material. She came from a solidly suburban upper-middle-class home, glided into elite schools, became a lawyer, married a politician who quickly rose, enjoyed all the many perks of a governor's mansion and then the White House, and then all the perks of a senator, secretary of state and former first lady. She's been driven in limousines and official cars almost all her adult life. For more than a quarter-century she has seen America through tinted windows. Newly out of the Ivy League, she asked for political power instead of financial power. Many of her generation of liberal activists, with similar bona fides, chose the latter. She married and became a politician and accrued great power and fame. But she still wanted the money. Through speeches, appearances, books and investments, she got it. Bill seems happy with it. She sees a disjunction between her acquisitive streak and her party's demonization of acquisitive streaks, and so she claims she was broke, at the mercy of forces, an orphan in the storm, instead of an operator of considerable hunger and skill.
Comment: Peggy Noonan ... I love her! Above photos ... two of my favorite Hillary Photoshopped! Lastly ... "I know 'broke' ...and girl you've never been!"


  1. I'd concede that she's been broke, but she always had the means to get huge amounts of money--and hence her being "broke" (which includes when she was back in Arkansas with the Whitewater and cattle future scandals) really means "I've never learned to live on a budget".

    And exactly why would we want such a person anywhere near the federal budget, then?


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